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This short dutch film about a skater boy fantasizing about being seduced by a traditional clothed muslim girl would have never reached a big audience if it wasn’t for one thing: Yolanthe Cabau van Kasbergen, one of Hollands most finest women, stripping down to extremely sexy lingere. Running under 10 minutes about half of this period is filled with Yolanthe getting undressed and assuming a position. You know what kind of…
So what about the rest of the movie? It’s about prejudice and stereotypes mostly. But any message that they want to give us is completely lost due to the seduction scene and an almost nude Yolanthe. Since it’s a dream-sequence we’re actually watching nothing more than a young boys wet dream. It’s not a bad dream though.
This movie will do nothing for or against the prejudice and stereotyping but it is fun to see a traditionally clothed muslim girl as a sex-object. It reminded me of a statement made by the dutch female muslim politician Fatima Elatik: Headscarfs turn men on! Which is quite a stupid remark as they are intended to do just the opposite but to reply to her statement: They do, but only when they’re being worn by women like Yolanthe Cabau van Kasbergen.
The Movie:
(she didn’t go all the way, that would’ve given her 5 stars)
Here are some screenshots for you horndogs: